Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Holiday Weekend in Review

So sorry for the lack of posts! Work has been busy and I've just returned from my weekend trip to Dallas. A quick recap...

I spent a lot of time with family. Here's a pic of my brother and I....

I spent a lot of money here.... 50% off all weekend! Who can resist that?
Among the items I purchased.... I'm in a navy and kelly green phase. Can you tell?

Ate way too much of this....
If you've never had Blue Bell, you haven't really had ice cream.
Sooo yummy! Sadly, not available in my neck of the woods.
And just generally had a relaxing and fun time.
Hope your weekend was as wonderful as mine was!


  1. I need to hit up J.Crew outlet soon! There is one close to my house and it is dangerous every time I go in. I do need a few summer pencil skirts!

  2. I did some serious damage at the J.Crew outlet too! I bought a few dresses and a shirt for TheHubs!

  3. I love how you love Blue Bell! It's so good. Cute new clothes.
